

On 14 Nov. 2017 JAPAN UPR recommendations in mental health and human rights of persons with psychosocial disability 

For the  first time there are three recommendations in mental health and human rights of persons with psychosocial disability
6.145.​Develop community-based and people-centred mental health services and supports that do not lead to institutionalization, over-medicalization and to practices that fail to respect the rights, will and preferences of all persons (Portugal);
6.198.​Ensure the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in line with national efforts (Lao People’s Democratic Republic);

6.199.​Implement fully its obligations under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, including following the Committee‘s guidelines on Article 14 to protect the security and personal integrity of persons with disability who are deprived of their liberty (New Zealand);

6.200.​Carry out necessary reforms to address stigma against persons with disabilities in order to strengthen implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Uganda);

6.201.​Continue with its efforts to promote the rights of persons with disabilities and eliminate discrimination (Brunei Darussalam);

6.202.​Continue advancing the situation of persons with disabilities by providing access to education, health, jobs and public spaces as well as protecting from all forms of violence and discrimination (Myanmar);

6.203.​Continue to expand existing programmes and introduce new ones where necessary to support and to promote the meaningful participation of all persons with disabilities in society (Singapore);

6.204.​Continue to promote the efforts to make the mentally and psychologically disabled persons benefit from the healthcare services (Libya);

6.205.​Continue with encouraging private business sector to continue undertaking relevant measures to employ persons with disabilities in accordance with the domestic law provisions (Serbia);